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15 years of children’s studio overlooking: an exhibition in Geyerhammer

15 years of children’s studio overlooking: an exhibition in Geyerhammer

Under the title “15 years of the Kinderatelier – der Hammer!” The Almtaler Kindergarten Annual Exhibition will be held in the Geyerhammer exhibition room in Scharnstein.
Children’s studio artists will first introduce themselves to some artwork with children, you can really look forward to it!
In sculpting class, new course instructor Lucija Divic experimented with a variety of materials and worked in an action-oriented manner.
Large-format paintings were created in the drawing class under the direction of Ekaterina Fechner.
The ceramics course led by Gabriele Gruber-Gisler is always very popular.

The mile and the journey of the water will also be a theme in the exhibition, which is well worth a look.
Some children draw pictures of their life in metal and at the end of the exhibition the drawing is stuck into a corked bottle and sent on its journey as a message in a bottle.
Storyboards will be selected at the opening June 2 at 3:00 PM and will be decided by lottery.
The exhibition runs until June 25 and can be visited on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

You are cordially invited!

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