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2:3 away win in Amstetten – SV Ried

2:3 away win in Amstetten – SV Ried

Backed by around 300 fans, the Raiders got their first chance in Amstetten: Berger put the Lower Austrian goalkeeper under pressure with a back pass, but the pressed ball clearly went wrong (fourth). In the 14th minute, SVR had to settle for their first goal of the season – Amstetner counterattacked, and Fähner played in front of Köchel, who scored from close range to make it 1-0. Ried then tried to equalize, but there was little to count on, the last pass failed again and again. Amstetten was able to increase the lead to 2-0 again with a quick counterattack: Hermann Maier played perfectly in the penalty area and scored from around 10 meters away. In the 33rd minute, David Berger was able to reduce the score to 2-1 with his first goal for SV Ried: Bomberger passed the ball to Maier on the left, who passed it to Berger in the middle and the young striker. He scored with a single shot that took a deflection. Five minutes later Meyer played well on Iza's counterattack but his shot went over. Then, just before the end of the first half, Havenaar shot wide and from the home side, Meyer shot from 16 over. So SKU went into the break with a narrow lead.

The Rieders started the second half well and in the 47th minute Wohlmuth played the ball flat from the right into the penalty area where the Amstetten goalkeeper saved Berger's close-range shot. In the 54th minute the Amstetten defence could only hold the ball back briefly and Steurer shot just over from the edge of the penalty area. Overall, SV Ried were noticeably more dominant in the second half and had better chances than they had before the break. The home side had their first chance of the second half just after the hour mark through Fähner, but Leitner saved. Two minutes later Bomberger passed the ball to Baetsch in the penalty area who shot wide. In the 70th minute SKU had another good finish but Weixelbraun's shot went wide of the far post. Amstetten were always capable of creating danger with quick counter-attacks. The Rieders also had some chances in a rollercoaster match and in the 83rd minute they finally got a deserved equaliser: Birger Bäumer got past in the 16th minute and scored with a low shot. In the 86th minute Wimmer shot from distance and the Austrian's fine shot hit the lower edge of the crossbar but did not enter the goal. Instead, the Rieders took the lead: Meier scored from close range after a pass from the left to make it 2:3. Since Amstetten could no longer use the standard situations to equalise in the final phase, it was still the SVR who won away. The Rieders remain league leaders!

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SV Guntamatic Red:

Leitner – Steurer, Solbauer, Havenaar – Bomberger, Meyer, Rasner (46/Celic), Helmut – Berger, Isa (74/Bommer), Bajic (74/Gross).