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25 degrees could crack again: A string of storms returns in late summer – Meteorology

The week basically starts out relatively mild, then gets cooler in the fall and ends up being warm in the summer. However, some doubts remain, especially on the weekend. But it will surely be warm and late summer. 22 degrees possible. But is 25 degrees enough?

Storm Series Brings Late Summer – And Cooling

A series of storms is brewing on the Atlantic Ocean. This is also the reason for both: calm and the aftermath of late summer. First, Storm Xenus surged between Iceland and Scotland. On Wednesday there will be a small branch in the North Sea and it will be windy here too.

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Cold air follows the North Sea depression. But this is short-lived, as new storms keep coming from the Atlantic, hitting the British Isles and eventually turning toward northern Europe. However, the side effect is that the warm Mediterranean air is tapped and shipped to Germany. The series of storms over the Atlantic Ocean initially caused land frost and then in late summer.

Thursday morning frost

Monday changes a bit with a bit of heavy rain. Tuesday, on the other hand, is quiet with lots of fog. Perhaps there will also be mist crying. Maximum values ​​still reach 20 degrees Celsius on Monday, but drop dramatically on Tuesday and Wednesday, to 12 to 16 degrees. The night from Wednesday to Thursday will be the coldest since spring. Ground frost spreads from Saarland to Berlin. High altitudes, valleys and depressions are particularly affected.

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In the south it is still too warm for ground frost and in the north it is too windy for that. Because on Wednesday a strong depression falls over the North Sea and there are individual tornadoes in the north. Until Thursday, it is still windy in the north, but at the same time, warm Mediterranean air is making its way to Germany. So it gets warmer.

up to 22 degrees on Friday – Saturday it will rain

Already on Friday it will be very friendly and warm. Maximum values ​​reach 22 degrees on the Rhine. In the north there are more clouds and maybe a few showers. But otherwise Friday is very sunny and friendly. Saturday weather is warm and late summer, especially in the Alps and in eastern Germany, with maximum temperatures of 22 degrees.

Even in late summer, it’s still worth prepping the grill. And if you now find that you still lack the right equipment, you’ll find some suggestions on Amazon:

Up to 25 degrees on the weekend

The rainy area on Saturday can be strong or rather weak. If you get strong, then Sunday is rather cool. But it is also possible that it is very weak and therefore there is a possibility that the warm air will stay with us for a longer time.

In this case, values ​​​​from 20 to 25 degrees are possible. Only 25 degrees is reached on the Rhine, but if warm weather prevails, then Sunday will be the best day of the week – all over Germany.

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Foehn locations can get very warm in the fall

Especially at the foot of the Alps and also in Thuringia and Saxony, it is still very warm in autumn. This is because of the mountains and foehn. Because if the Alps, the Aures or the Thuringian Forest were flooded from the south, there would be a drying effect. Air falls from great heights to the ground, like a waterfall.

The falling air gets hotter because the pressure on the ground is much higher than in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The air is compressed and warmed with a hair dryer. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if the temperature rose 25 degrees on the edge of the Alps on the weekend.

But what does winter actually do this year? The polar vortex is expected to weaken again. This ensures cool, dry weather in Germany – and this also has an effect on our snows in October and December: