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272 performance medals have been awarded to Styrian-Styrian athletes

272 performance medals have been awarded to Styrian-Styrian athletes

Graz (1 June 2023). – State Sports Adviser Julian Bogner Strauss And the heads of the umbrella sports organizations in Styria – Christian Borer (ASVÖ), Gerhard Weidmann (ASKÖ) and Stefan Herker (Sportunion) – Yesterday (May 31, 2023) Styrian athletes were invited to honor their outstanding achievements in the auditorium of the old university in Graz. The numbers indicate the great successes of the white-green athletes in a wide variety of sports: from curling to winter sports, parasports, gymnastics and ball sports. The Styrian State Sports Organization was able to award a total of 38 bronze medals, 170 silver medals and 38 gold medals to great success. These honors have been awarded since 1958.

Of particular note are the achievements Karina Rich: the track and field athlete, born in 2001 from the province of Southeast Styria, has been honored three times. Reicht has received two gold and one silver athletic performance medals for her successes in the triathlon, the modern pentathlon and in the 1500-meter (indoor) and 3000-meter (outdoor) races.

Sports Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauss: “The Athletes Award is a wonderful meeting of outstanding personalities in the Styrian sports district, where great successes are shown in one evening. I congratulate the successful athletes for their achievements.

Extensive photo material from the award is available at Photo Gallery to exist.
You can find a list of all honorees here.

Graz, 1 June 2023

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