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3 signs that he is secretly in love with you

3 signs that he is secretly in love with you

Introverts or shy people find it difficult to open up to others anyway. Things don’t get any easier for them when they fall in love with someone – the fear of rejection makes it difficult for them to show their true feelings. But of course, they also find ways to get your attention. You can tell if you are a lady of the heart by certain signs.

3 signs that he is secretly in love with you

The first sign: He wants to be close to you

Could you swear you just met him again? You might be right about that, because it’s no coincidence that he’s looking for you. Shy people explore the situation longer than the reckless and look for the right situation to take the first step and say “hello.” If you two already know each other, he will try to belong to your community to be close to you. So if you keep bumping into a particular person, the signs are pretty clear.

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Label 2: He cares about your opinion

Whether it is about everyday events, family affairs or a situation at work – if someone asks you for your opinion often and is also happy to discuss issues with you, then affection is involved. Of course, there are also best friends with whom you can talk about everything under the sun without sharing feelings. But that’s how he talks to you, because he literally sticks to every word. Whether he really listens to you is another question, because it is well known that the people he loves have their ideas elsewhere. We guarantee: You will notice the difference!

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The third sign: He always has time for you

Whether it’s 4am or midnight – when you call, he’ll be there for you right away. He even offers to talk to him day and night. If you accept the offer, he will not be able to believe his luck. Be sensitive here, though: If someone wants to be there for you 24/7, they obviously like you. So do not take advantage of the desire to help and do not manipulate his feelings.

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