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3 symptoms at the beginning of the depression stage

3 symptoms at the beginning of the depression stage

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People with depression often do not initially realize that they have a mental disorder. This is due to early and uncharacteristic symptoms.

According to the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neuroscience (DGPPN) By 16 to 20 percent. So suffer according to German depression aid About five million people currently suffer from mental illness. Depression is more than just sadness: it manifests itself through different symptoms that differ between women and men. At the beginning of the depression phase, unusual symptoms appear that people with depression usually cannot classify at first.

Recognizing depression: Three warning signs in the early stages that can be clues

3 symptoms at the beginning of the depression stage
Low mood can be an unusual symptom in the early stages of depression. © ImageBroker/Olexander Latkun/Imago

According to the information received from the electronic portal Neurologists and psychiatrists online At the onset of depression, sufferers often do not realize that they are suffering from mental illness. This is usually because depression initially presents with symptoms that are not unique to this condition. The following symptoms could be a sign of the onset of depression:

  • exhaustion
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Bad mood

Are you depressed? With pastoral care by phone, you can get help around the clock – every day of the year: call 0800 1110111 or 0800 1110222. The call is free. Your phone number will not be sent and you do not have to provide your name. The conversation continues as long as necessary.

These symptoms usually prompt patients to visit a doctor. They often describe their emotional state with characteristics such as despair, apathy, or hopelessness. A typical symptom during a depressive episode is a feeling of “inner emptiness”, so some patients see themselves as numb and are often unable to react emotionally in the usual way, in a frustrating or joyful way.

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This article only contains general information about the health topic in question and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not, in any way, replace a visit to a doctor. Our editorial team is not permitted to answer individual questions about medical conditions.