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Japan earthquake: more than 240 people missing

390 people were arrested in Berlin on New Year's Eve

According to the latest police figures, about 390 people were temporarily detained in Berlin on New Year's Eve – many of them for violations of the Weapons and Explosives Act.

Police spokeswoman Anja Derschke said this afternoon that 54 emergency services personnel were injured, 30 of them caused by fireworks. Eight injured police officers were unable to continue their duties. At the turn of the year, a total of 720 investigations were initiated into incidents across the city between 6pm on New Year's Eve and 6am on New Year's Day.

Police officers injured in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the turn of the year became a night of riots in many places. Dozens of police officers were injured, including in fireworks, ANP news agency reported on New Year's Day, citing police information. In total, at least 200 suspected perpetrators were arrested in different cities.

Peggy De Meij, coordinator of nationwide police operations, said on New Year's Eve that the riots were “completely unacceptable.” “Unfortunately, this is the reality we have to operate in over and over again at the turn of the year.” In several places, including Amsterdam, riot police encountered “large groups of people covered in masks who specifically sought confrontation with the police.” the police.” .

Million on the Champs Elysees

In France, the beginning of the year was relatively calm. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said this morning that more than a million people celebrated on the Champs-Élysées in Paris without any notable incidents. Things were also quiet in the rest of France. The strong police presence paid off.

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The number of arrests and incidents involving fireworks and setting cars on fire is decreasing. Nationally, it was reported that 380 people were arrested, 745 cars were burned, and about 40 officers were slightly injured.