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5 signs that a relationship is ending

5 signs that a relationship is ending

Disagreements or misunderstandings occur in any relationship. Thus, not every argument is a reason for separation, because a healthy culture of argumentation also has to occur and can even be welded together. And it’s not just about disagreements and arguments: the basic way we treat each other says a lot about the happy state in a relationship. If things don’t work that way anymore, how do you know if it’s just a slump or if you’d better go your separate ways? We reveal it here!

5 signs that a relationship is ending

1. One comes less and less to the common denominator

No matter how long you’ve been together, you can’t always agree. This is certain. But if there is almost nothing that connects you as a couple, then the relationship is usually past its peak. Sure, there’s still a certain basis of similarities so you know what you (still) stand for together as a couple.

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2. There is a growing apathy

You don’t care what your partner says or does? This is not a good sign, because indifference is the beginning of the end. Once the interest in the other person wears off, it’s hard to get them back. You’re past the stage of fighting for a relationship and love has already fallen by the wayside.

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3. Unacceptable behavior

Sometimes couples who still love each other break up. But one did or said things that were unforgivable to the other and did not allow repetition (anymore). The importance of consistency should never be underestimated because for most of us there comes a point in a relationship where it ends. Pushing this point (over and over again) is not a good idea. At some point, the partner had had enough and acted on the announcement of the separation.

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4. Divide one from the other

When you get to this point, you are living like a brother and sister in a shared apartment. You go your separate ways and hardly argue: you are no longer involved in the other person’s life. Many couples stay together because of children or financial obligations, such as a home. They often both have an on-going relationship because they no longer share a bed. If you feel that deep down you still have feelings for the other person, you should couples therapy, otherwise the relationship is over.

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5. New partners in the game

Ejaculation turned into an affair and an affair into an affair? Then a new partner’s decision is usually made which is a sure sign of the end of the relationship. But there is little hope, because couples who have been together for a long time sometimes find their way back together through these detours. Of course, this depends on each case and whether or not there is still a deep inner desire for reconciliation.

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