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7 against Wild-Youtuber Fritz Meinecke has the hype on his side

7 against Wild-Youtuber Fritz Meinecke has the hype on his side

hDo the main thing. Friedrich, named Fritz, Meneke does not hesitate. By bike from Berlin to Istanbul, through the desert with cheap gear or spend the night in the snow when the number is below zero. When Meinecke thinks about something, he sees it through. And if something doesn’t suit him, he fiddles with it until all the details are right. Surrender: a foreign word. However, those who criticize him are sometimes dismissed as “nice do-gooders”. If he doesn’t like an opinion, he likes to be called “bullshit.” The place for all of this: YouTube.

Fritz Meinecke has achieved more success with his overseas formats and survival than almost any other German YouTuber. The second season of “7 vs. Wild,” in which seven web video producers are individually abandoned on a tropical island to make their way there for a week, is currently drawing in millions of viewers. The look Meinecke brought to life is a real recipe for success: Of course, TV adventurer Bear Grylls also let himself loose in the wild at the time, but he always had his camera team with him. On the other hand, in “7 vs. Wild” everything is supposed to be real – from jumping out of a helicopter to littered beaches and the menace of crocodiles. Everyone should photograph it themselves.

With conversions to YouTube

Meinecke Associate. In advance, he rated his ability to prove himself on the site better than his fellow activists – very modest, of course. He only trusts one other participant to be able to hold a candle for him. He has at least twelve years of German Army experience under his belt, deployments to Kunduz, Mazar-i-Sharif, and Kabul, and he also wears the Cross of Honor. Armed forces in gold. Some might think this is arrogant, but Meinecke means it very seriously; He is self-confident. With nothing but a machete on a stretch of beach barely more than two meters wide at high tide, with the impenetrable jungle behind him, he seems at ease most of the time.

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But Meinecke’s path led anything but straight to the island. Before he came to YouTube, the guy from Magdeburg did many other things. He started an apprenticeship as an auto mechatronic technician, got it off again, then trained as a bank clerk, briefly worked on the job and then volunteered for 15 months in the Bundeswehr. Finally, further training as a video game digital artist followed. In 2016, Meinecke flashed on the History Channel with Wigald Boning. So Meinecke is ready to spoil everything in order to find his way. It is ‘subject’ – and it was already before the language of youth rediscovered the word for itself.