A new report confirmed earlier rumors that the iPhone 14 Pro will switch to a 48-megapixel main camera. This will be only the third time that the resolution of the iPhone’s main camera has been increased. From iPhone 4 On the 4S I moved from 5 to 8 megapixels, from iPhone 6 On the 6 s From 8 to 12 megapixels.
Apple may need a higher resolution to deliver 8K video recording on its Pro models. Depending on the situation, it is not always necessary to use full precision. A vertical or horizontal image may require more megapixels, while in low light a 12-megapixel image can be saved after the pixels are combined.
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max-Renderings
Well-known Apple Analyst Ming Chi Kuo one many times 48 MP main camera It’s brought into play with the iPhone 14 Pro. Also, in his opinion, the periscope magnification keeps up with the file iPhone 15 Moving in 2023.
As for the iPhone 14 front end, there are at least two reports claiming that Apple has Notch for hole punch You will give up. This should either contain a single camera or accommodate two in a pill-shaped unit with FaceID built in. All rumors about it can be found on our website iPhone 14 Pro Overview.
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