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Americans prefer German sour and black forest ham

Americans prefer German sour and black forest ham

Washington. The best comes early. Behind the large self-service bakery entrance is: fresh rolls, crispy pretzels and on-site baked German walnuts and sourdough bread. “German Sordoff” did it for me. Ever since I found this great guy in the wet white bread land, Little and I have been friends.

That was five years ago. After a while we went inside Donald Trump To the White House, we both started anew in the United States. Meanwhile, the discount has spread to 167 branches. I constantly squat in my boots. There is a lot of business competition from Germany: the cheap Aldi (South) has 2,100 branches. Smarter Supermarket Trader Jose, a subsidiary of Aldi Nord, owns 530 stores.

It seems strange that German food chains are so successful in the United States. As the product range is streamlined, the presentation will be more efficient and the cashiers will be light years faster than Walmart & Co.

The newcomer Little also had to learn the hard way: the new branches look more spartan than the prototypes on the chic glass facade. Luckily the bakery stayed. And own brand “preferred choice”: they have German Broadwurst, fruit-rich German strawberry jam and “real Black Forest ham” in its packaging as a woman from the Black Forest smiles with a red pollenhead smile. To do this, it is a pleasure to drive twelve miles beyond the city limits of Washington, located in nearby Little.

At least so far. Later that year, the group announced the opening of its first store in the US capital – mainly in the African-American district of Anacostia. Mayor Muriel Bowser attended the groundbreaking ceremony in person. He hailed the resettlement as a “milestone”.

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A German politician would not say that about Little. But the prophet had nothing in his homeland.

Carl Domans Is an American correspondent for RNT. In the “World Economy” column, he explains what drives the world’s largest economy every Wednesday – alternating weekly with his colleagues in China, Great Britain, Russia and Eastern Europe.