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Spring cleaning: How getting rid of germs makes us happy – a guide

Spring cleaning: How getting rid of germs makes us happy – a guide

Cabinets and chests of drawers are full of clothes that have never been worn. Basements and garages are full of unused things that we’ve stored for years.

Spring is the time to get rid of things we rarely use or wear. It can make us happy, says Anke Brecht, psychologist and author (“Who am I really?”).

How does organizing make you happy?

Cleaning by itself does not make most people happy. But the truth, when this is done, is, according to you Brecht. “A tidy room, things to find – we all enjoy that,” says the expert. Because: “When we’re done tidying up, the bookshelves are sorted again, the ashtray is put away and the living room is radiant at us, and our brain releases dopamine. This neurotransmitter makes us proud, and it gives us a sense of accomplishment.”

At the same time, the material of the Messenger takes care of him dopamine To reiterate what makes us proud now. It plays a central role in motivation. And getting rid of it has the same positive effects! Anyone who managed to get rid of the redundant throws away the old ballast and creates space for the new. In the Cleaning And reward and motivation systems, which are also found in competitive sports, are activated.

And: “Things that are present but that we do not need not only take up space, but also occupy attention. Often this is not conscious attention, it works unconsciously. The psychologist explains: a person who has to look for his things in a completely crowded wardrobe cannot To be here and now at full power.”

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When is there a compulsion to clean?

The good news: “If you clean in a hygienic way, that is, with the goal that everything is easy to find and the apartment is easy to get in and live in, you don’t risk developing a commitment to cleaning or keeping things tidy,” says Brecht. People who absolutely cannot stand it when something is not in place, or when the first grains of dust are on the shelf, will have this risk.

“Even those who notice that the cleaning is too frequent, and they clean the toilet several times a day, should seek advice from a psychologist. But if you just want to be organized and the number 5 can sometimes be left straight, you are doing everything right.”

Donations made to “Helper’s High”

Abandoning what is no longer necessary frees the soul. “And above all, someone is happy with that, for example baby clothes that are too small for their sons,” says Anke Precht. Saving them for the grandchildren makes no sense, except for a special memento or two.

“Donations also have to do with giving hearts. Any money left over or things we no longer need, we give to whoever needs it. People who give a lot are happier. Because happiness is contagious, and nothing brightens the day more than knowing that you made someone happy.”

Studies have already shown that donations make people happy. Generosity activates certain neurons in the brain called A . “Assistant High” Effects. The result: Endorphins are released into the brain region that is also stimulated by the consumption of chocolate, among other things.

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