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Small robots scan lakes on other planets

Small robots scan lakes on other planets

swimming concept

Robert Clatt

  • NASA wants to go with me small robots On other planets and moons Explore lakes and oceans
  • who – which swimming concept See you (sensing with independent young swimmers) swarm robot Before, that independent water exploration
  • So far this is Concept but still hypothetical and he There is no specific mission planned

NASA wants to use small, floating robots to explore lakes and oceans on other planets and moons.

Washington, DC (USA). NASA would like to use a compact float robots on others planets And the moons Explore lakes and oceans. Missions can be visualized with small robots in the water under the ice cap of Jupiter’s moon Europe or Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The so-called . has been developed swimming concept (Sensing with Young Autonomous Swimmers) by robotics expert Ethan Schaller.

“With a swarm of small, floating robots, we can explore a much larger volume of ocean water and improve our measurements by having multiple robots collect data in the same area,” NASA scientists explain.

Robots with a variety of sensors

Despite their volume at only 60 to 75 cubic centimeters, the wedge-shaped robots, which are only about 12 centimeters long, have many sensors on board in addition to their own computer, command system and ultrasound-based communication system. You can thus independently measure the temperature, pressure and acidity of the water. In order to obtain the most accurate data possible, the robots can combine their results.

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NASA also recently approved a $600,000 grant for the project to be used to develop chemical sensors. These robots can also be used to find vital signs, that is, signs of extraterrestrial life.

Cryobot breaks through the ice cap

The Schaler concept also envisions a mini robot in which the mini robots are located. This capsule is designed to break through the ice cap and launch robots into liquid water. However, for now, the concept is still hypothetical and NASA has yet to announce a specific mission with the floating robots.