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Culinary point during the Salzburg Festival: The St.  Peter Stiftskulinarium

Culinary point during the Salzburg Festival: The St. Peter Stiftskulinarium

Located in St. Peter Stiftskulinarium in the heart of Salzburg and in the immediate vicinity of the large festival hall. Hot spot during summer festival. The restaurants “Eight Hundred Three” and “Peter” attract many international guests and VIPs. Just in time for the summer festival, shine Eleven rooms in new splendor.

“Every year, in July and August, the city’s charm reigns. Our guests are touched, delighted and inspired by the acting and music of the festival. ‘We capture that atmosphere and let it come alive in our rooms and menus,’ say the hosts. Veronica Kirchmeir And the Klaus Haslauer.

Extra Class Gourmet Temple

In the award-winning restaurant “Eight Hundred & Three”, St. Peter Stiftskulinarium between Thousands of years old walls Amazing gourmet menus. Internationally inspired dishes are accompanied by a wine list of 800 items.
At Peter you can enjoy the festival season in a relaxed manner. in »St. Peter’s outdoor lounge « Local mediterranean dishes And refreshing drops offer. Great ones on the list Five to seven menus of course. A vegetarian menu is also available.

Art and cuisine within the historic walls

With the newly designed building, a style icon Veronica Kirchmeir One The link between the traditional and the modern created. In the historical atmosphere that already a year ago 803 Where guests are entertained, today’s artwork is on display. “Art is an inspiration that provides important food for thought. Veronica Kirschmeier explains: “It excites and exasperates, and this different way of thinking opens up new ways of thinking.” Together with Grazer Rheinische Gallery During the festival, wonderful paintings by the artist Anton Betz Presented in the Stiftskulinarium building.

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Sankt Peter District 1/4, 5020 Salzburg

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