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Surprise trip to America: Steinmeier meets Biden for the first time

Surprise trip to America: Steinmeier meets Biden for the first time

As of: October 5, 2023 9:42 pm

Today, Federal President Steinmeier will unexpectedly travel to Washington for a meeting with US President Biden instead of meeting with his EU counterparts. This is the first meeting between the two heads of state.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is heading to Washington for an impromptu meeting with US President Joe Biden instead of the Areolos meeting of EU non-executive leaders in Portugal. He is expected at the White House on Friday, according to US Government headquarters.

The White House said the meeting in Washington will “closer coordination as NATO allies on a number of key issues, including our shared commitment to protecting democratic values ​​and supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression.” Continue.

The first meeting since Steinmeier took office

The Federal President’s office said Steinmeier traveled to Washington at the invitation of Biden. This is the first meeting between the two heads of state since Steinmeier took office as the federal chancellor.

The White House named Friday as German-American Friendship Day as the official reason for the visit. In the United States, German American Day is celebrated on October 6. It commemorates the arrival of the first German settlers in Philadelphia in 1683.

Help Ukraine expected theme

A key topic at the meeting at the White House will be continued support for Ukraine in defense against Russia. Germany and America wanted to help the attacked country as long as needed. However, the interim budget passed by the US Congress over the weekend did not provide any further aid to Ukraine. This does not mean that the US will immediately stop supporting Ukraine. But the money allowed so far is running out.

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