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Webb provides a view of stellar explosions with unprecedented resolution

Webb provides a view of stellar explosions with unprecedented resolution

Webb continues to do what he does best, which is sharpening our view of the universe. A space telescope has now captured one of the most famous starbursts in the universe with the highest resolution ever achieved.
NASA, James Webb Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, Jwt


Webb reveals Cas A in a new light

The James Webb Telescope is a device that makes entirely new discoveries possible — even when you’re looking at things we already know well. Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is one of the most studied supernova remnants in the universe and has been captured over the years by the best telescopes such as Hubble, Spitzer and Chandra. Webb has now captured the most accurate image yet of a starburst in the infrared spectrum.

as NASA The latest image captured by Webb’s NIRCam (near-infrared camera) provides resolution previously unattainable at these wavelengths, he writes. A keen gaze makes it possible for the first time to distinguish even the smallest gaseous nodes in the structure, consisting of sulfur, oxygen, argon and neon, which were emitted by the dying star.
James Webb Telescope: Cassiopeia A (Cas A)Clearer than ever: NIRCam captures images of Cassiopeia A (Cas A).

“Thanks to the resolution of NIRCam, we can now see how the dying star completely shattered as it exploded, leaving behind filaments that resemble tiny glass shards,” said lead researcher Danny Milisavljevic, according to NASA. “It is truly incredible that after all these years of studying Cas A, we can now uncover these details that give us new insights into how this star exploded.”

To visualize infrared web images, NASA uses a method of mapping wavelengths of visible colors to specific spectra. In the latest NIRCam recording, this mapping is made based on the filters used. The pink and orange parts of the image show the supernova’s inner shell, while the white and purple indicate ionized gas.

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