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Avalanche danger above the tree line in Lower Austria – Austria

Avalanche danger above the tree line in Lower Austria – Austria

There was a high risk of avalanches in Lower Austria.
©APA/Barbara Gendel (avatar)

There was a high risk of avalanches on Sunday in the high areas of the Ybbstal Alps, in the Gippel-Göller and Rax-Schneeberg regions of Lower Austria.

High temperatures are making the snow cover increasingly wet, which could trigger wet avalanches, the avalanche warning service said.

Small wet avalanches can occur

Small, wet avalanches can originate, especially from forested areas, and hit exposed road areas. The warning service explained that there is a risk of wet avalanches in rocky terrain.

On steep slopes with grassy areas, foliage-covered terrain, or soft rocks, sliding avalanche activity increases. Dangerous areas are also the extended eastern areas, where there is still drifting snow and where medium-sized avalanches can sometimes occur.

It is expected to remain warm in the coming days. Temperatures are expected to reach ten degrees at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level. The warning service said there would be no change in avalanche danger.

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