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What will happen if Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States?

What will happen if Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States?

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Donald Trump is about to be re-elected as the President of the United States.
© Description: WZ, image source: Midjourney

Donald Trump is about to be re-elected as the President of the United States. There are four main criminal proceedings in which 91 charges have been brought against him. But every practice increases his followers and he can collect more donations. Sarah Wagner, a political scientist at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern, comes to this assessment. He is host and guest of WZ editor Bernd Vasari on the WZ podcast “Weitertenken”.

Even if he is found guilty, he could still be elected President of the United States in the Nov. 5 election. “There is nothing in the US Constitution that prohibits a legally convicted candidate from running for president,” says the political scientist. The primary elections are currently underway, in which the two major parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, choose. Their candidates Trump won the Iowa primary by a landslide.Wagner is expected to become the Republican nominee in mid-March.

There will be a fight between Donald Trump and the Democratic Party and current US President Joe Biden. It is the same fight as in the presidential election four years ago. Then Trump failed.

If he wins this time, Wagner says, he will reshape the American system, giving the president more power and weakening the justice system.

There will also be many changes in foreign policy. As US president, Trump will focus on China and drastically reduce support for Europe and Ukraine. “This is dangerous for Ukraine because the EU is not in a position to fill this gap,” says Wagner. “Trump does not see the security of Ukraine and Europe as a major interest for the US. The US is giving up the big brother role for the EU.”

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