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EU elections: NEOS campaign for a United States of Europe

EU elections: NEOS campaign for a United States of Europe

NEOS promoted their vision of the United States in the EU election campaign and is currently focusing more on the issue of climate protection. NEOS is a clear pro-European power that stands with no preference for Europe, NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger said at a press conference on Thursday. A lot has happened in the Green Deal, “but we need to go further to achieve climate targets by 2030,” demanded EU candidate Anna Sturk.

The 30-year-old, second on the list, presented a rosy vision of good climate policy in which the economy and the environment should go hand in hand in EU elections. “We won't stop climate change if we don't have the economy,” Sturk said, adding that the economy has no future if the economy doesn't adapt to climate change. This requires more cooperation in innovation, but also in reducing climate-damaging subsidies, which is not limited to Austria, where 4.6 billion climate-damaging subsidies are paid each year, Sturk said. NEOS calls for uniform CO2 pricing and practical climate laws across Europe.

NEOS takes a swipe at the Green Party

“I am glad that you will pursue climate policy with heart and brain,” hailed EU front-runner Helmut Brandstätter, referring to the campaign slogans of Green Party front-runner Lena Schilling. Meinl-Reisinger denied that the current turmoil among the Greens was a reason for overemphasis on the climate issue. NEOS has been campaigning for climate protection for years, and the EU's Green Deal was pushed forward in Brussels by the EU Commission without any green. But NEOS has a young candidate who is committed to climate protection combined with economics, and “we're not drowning in confusion,” the NEOS boss said.

Call to exit Russian Gas

Again, NEOS called for a withdrawal from Russian gas. Brandstätter spoke in favor of doubling EU spending on external border security and once again criticized the Schengen veto on Romania and Bulgaria, which the ÖVP is clinging to. “We want Europe together, and the ÖVP's 'yes, but Europe' is damaging us,” said the NEOS top candidate.

NEOS sees themselves as “the only credible force”.

Party leader Meinl-Reisinger also described NEOS as “the only credible force” for Europe. He accused other parties of the EU policy of “wash me, but don't wet me”. According to Meinl-Reisinger, the FPÖ is engaged in a very dangerous “conflict” with Öxit, the ÖVP does not have a positive view of the opportunities offered by climate change, and the SPÖ is not credible about its stance on Russia.

(Source: APA)

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