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Sports and fun with handball stars

Sports and fun with handball stars

Media service from: May 27, 2024

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On Monday, May 27, 2024, a total of 50 beginning students from the Hartmayrgut and Sintstrasse kindergartens experienced a unique and unforgettable morning. As part of the popular exercise format “Sports and Fun with the Stars”, they were guests at the ASKÖ Movement Center on Hölderlinstrasse at the invitation of ASKÖ FBC Linz-Urfahr to get to know handball, one of the oldest sports, closely. . The enthusiastic young talents received valuable tips and tricks from the players of ASKÖ FBC Linz-Urfahr, who enthusiastically accompanied the children throughout the morning.

“Once again, it was demonstrated how popular the exercise format 'Sports and Fun with the Stars' is among children. When you look into the bright eyes of the children, You know they had a morning they will always remember.” “ASKÖ FBC Linz-Urfahr has been one of the most traditional and successful clubs in the state capital for decades. Seven European Cup titles and two World Cup titles – that probably says enough about the club. I am convinced that this wonderful sport has found many new fans today,” confirms the Linz sports spokesman, who was impressed on site by the successful morning and the enthusiasm of the children as well as the professionals.

In this handball morning, the children had the opportunity to develop their sense of the ball and this sport in general through different ball (catching) exercises and skill games. Led by national players and coaches from the German Men's Football League, the school's freshmen enjoyed the action and some impressively demonstrated their sense of the ball and talent. As always, the trial training was free.

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The exercise formula “Sports and Fun with the Stars” was launched six years ago by Deputy Mayor Karen Horzing and has been continuously expanded since then. The main focus of this format is to awaken the joy of sports and enhance children's natural desire to move. As an additional motivational element, the leading figures of Linz Sports Club and their stars were included in the list.