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Former intelligence chief becomes Prime Minister of the Netherlands –

Former intelligence chief becomes Prime Minister of the Netherlands –

In the Netherlands, former intelligence chief Dick Schoof is scheduled to become the new prime minister. The new right-wing conservative coalition has approved his nomination for the post of prime minister, the head of coalition talks, Richard van Zoll, announced today.

The nationalist PVV party, led by right-wing populist Geert Wilder, is the strongest force in the new government. In order to include his coalition partners, Wilders had to give up the position of prime minister.

Schoof, 67 years old, currently works in the Dutch Ministry of Justice. For years he headed the secret service AIVD and the counter-terrorism agency NCTV. In their coalition agreement, the four parties announced a significant tightening of asylum policy and the construction of new nuclear power plants.

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At the same time, the new government has committed to supporting Ukraine and wants to spend at least 2% of economic output on defence. Wilders says he expects the new government to take office at the end of June.

In addition to the Party for Freedom, the coalition also includes the liberal conservative VVD of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the newly founded center-right party NSC, and the farmers' party BBB. The coalition holds 88 seats in the 150-seat Dutch parliament. Rutte has been seeking the position of NATO Secretary General since Jens Stoltenberg leaves his post in the fall.

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