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Vatican: Former Papal Nuncio Viganò excommunicated

Vatican: Former Papal Nuncio Viganò excommunicated

A statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith announced that the former papal nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, has been excommunicated from the “latae Senentiae.” He is accused of not recognizing the legitimacy of the pope and the last council.

Mario Galgano – Vatican City

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former papal nuncio to the United States, has been excommunicated, or excluded from the ecclesial community, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said in a statement released Friday. Viganò had left communion with the Bishop of Rome and the Catholic Church, according to the logic. On July 4, 2024, “the Conference of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith met to discuss the extrajudicial criminal proceedings. 1720 CIC” against the titular Archbishop of Ulpiana “for the preserved crime of schism (cann. 751 and 1364 CIC; art. 2 SST)”. The paragraphs in question are found in the Code of Canon Law (CIC).

“His public statements are well known.”

“His public statements are well known,” the statement continued. “These statements reflect Viganò’s refusal to recognize and submit to the Pope, to maintain communion with the members of the Church, and to recognize the legitimacy and jurisdiction of the Second Vatican Council.” At the end of the criminal trial, Viganò was found guilty of the reserved crime of schism. The Chamber declared the excommunication latin sentence The former can. 1364 § 1 CIC. In these cases, the revocation of this decision remains for the Holy See.” The decision was communicated to the archbishop on Friday.

Cardinal Victor Fernandez is the Prefect of the Dicastery of the Faith.

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Rules of law

As is well known, it was the cleric himself who, on June 21, distributed the decree summoning him to Rome to answer the charges. He was given the opportunity to appoint a defense attorney or present a defense by June 28. Since this did not happen, a public defender was appointed for him, who defended Viganò according to the rules of law.

The former papal nuncio to the United States has publicly declared several times in recent years that he does not recognize the legitimacy of the pope and the recent council. When he excommunicated latin sentence It is a so-called penal penalty; it is imposed for a serious violation. The excommunicated person is forbidden, among other things, to celebrate Mass and other sacraments, to receive the sacraments, to exercise ecclesiastical offices, services or functions, and to perform official acts. Excommunication is a so-called medical penalty that calls for repentance and return to society.

Meaning of deprivation

According to Catholic teaching, excommunication means the loss of church offices and virtually all rights of membership in the church community. Those affected are prohibited from performing services in liturgical celebrations, from administering or receiving the sacraments, and from holding church offices. It is a severe punitive penalty aimed at the repentance and improvement of the person punished, with the goal of reinstating him in the church community once he has renounced his “disobedience,” as it is called in canon law.

Excommunication can be imposed either by excommunication or, in particularly serious cases, by action of one's own accord. These include ordaining a bishop without papal order, abortion, bribery in papal elections, violation of the secrecy of confession or refusal to submit to the pope (schism).

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The full implications of this so-called criminal penalty (late morning feelings) occurs when it is expressly stated by the bishop or the Holy See. Some excommunications can only be lifted by the Holy See. In addition to excommunication, canon law recognizes interdict (the weakest form) and suspension (for clergy only) as penalties.

(Vatican News)