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Despite floods: Regional elections begin in the Czech Republic

Despite floods: Regional elections begin in the Czech Republic

Despite the flood disaster in the east of the country, two-day regional and Senate elections in the Czech Republic begin today. The assemblies will be redistributed in 13 regions, excluding the capital Prague, which has special status. The vote is seen as a key test of sentiment toward next year's parliamentary elections.

The regions run schools, hospitals and nursing homes and distribute EU subsidies. Polling stations are open from 2pm today and again tomorrow. In addition, as is the case every two years, representatives in the Senate are redeployed in a third of the constituencies. Run-off elections are usually held a week later. The upper house of parliament has a say in legislation and can block constitutional changes.

Calls for the election to be postponed have come from cities and towns hardest hit by the floods. Prime Minister Peter Fiala’s government has rejected this on the grounds that such a decision would be subject to legal challenge. In some places, electricity and mobile phone networks are out of service, roads are impassable and bridges are destroyed.

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