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US election campaign: US accuses Russia of election meddling

US election campaign: US accuses Russia of election meddling

White House

The US government accuses Russia of meddling in the current presidential campaign. The White House says the Kremlin is trying to undermine American democracy.Sep 5, 2024 | 0:24 minutes

The U.S. government has accused Russia of meddling in the current presidential campaign and is taking action against it with economic sanctions. The United States imposed punitive measures against a number of individuals and entities, including representatives of the Russian state broadcaster RT.
The US State Department has announced restrictions on visas for employees of Kremlin-backed media outlets linked to covert influence efforts. The US government also offered a reward for information about a Russian hacker group it has accused of election meddling.

What does America accuse Moscow of?

According to the US government, efforts to influence Moscow start at the very top. US Attorney General Merrick Garland said the inner circle around Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin instructed Russian PR firms to “promote disinformation and state-sponsored stories as part of a campaign to influence the 2024 US presidential election”.
The Treasury Department complained that Russian state-backed actors have long used a variety of tools, including artificial intelligence, deep fakes and targeted disinformation, to undermine trust in the processes and institutions surrounding US elections.
A close-up of an eye with lines of ones and zeros running across the image

They are deceptively real and very manipulable: profound. Thanks to artificial intelligence and digital images, fakes can be created at a very high level. June 14, 2022 | 2:21 minutes

What role does broadcaster RT play?

Those affected by the punitive measures include RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonjan and members of the channel's management team.

Constraints result in:

  • All assets of victims in the US have been frozen
  • US citizens are prohibited from doing business with them
  • International business will also become significantly more difficult for those affected by the sanctions
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In the super election year of 2024, concerns about AI-generated fake news are growing. Shows how much influence the presidential election can have in Slovakia. May 25, 2024 | 1:29 minutes

Are such signs visible only from 2024?

According to US officials, Moscow has already interfered in previous US elections. According to US intelligence, sat down with Russia Election 2020 He tried to harm Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.

Also at Election 2016 According to U.S. security officials, Russia interfered in favor of candidate Trump to slow down Democrat Hillary Clinton. A special investigator later looked into possible illegal collusion between Russia and Trump's team. There is insufficient evidence for this.

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Is America looking for more influence?

Kirby emphasized that Russia is not the only one trying to undermine American democracy. Among other things, Garland warned that “increasingly aggressive Iranian actions” could be observed in the current election campaign.

Iran is trying to “incite discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions.” US Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign team also recently announced that it was the target of a foreign cyber attack.

Source: dpa

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