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Mass demonstration against “false propaganda” from state media in Hungary

Mass demonstration against “false propaganda” from state media in Hungary

Because of “continuous propaganda lies” from state media peter Magyar, The head of Hungary's largest opposition party, Respect and Freedom (TISZA), called for a demonstration in front of the headquarters of state media outlet MTVA in Budapest on Saturday. This umbrella organization includes public television, public radio and the Hungarian news agency MTI.

Thousands of supporters in front of MTVA headquarters

According to the news agency Reuters Thousands of TISZA supporters gathered in front of the MTVA headquarters. “We are tired of the hatred, the lies and the propaganda, and our patience has run out,” Magyar shouted to the crowd.

Magyar had already published a list of 16 demands for the building on Friday evening, such as for state television to report on the demonstration and read out the demands. In addition, state media should no longer act as a “propaganda organ,” but rather regain its public role. The current directors will have to be replaced and new elections will be held on a technical basis. There is also a demand to invite party representatives on the same conditions based on the results of the recent elections in the state.

TISZA, which stands for Tisztelet es Szabadság (Respect and Freedom), is supported by 39% of voters, compared to 43% for Orbán's Fidesz party, according to a poll published last month by pollster Median. The next elections are scheduled for early 2026.

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