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Hate speech against immigrants: Trump: 'There are currently a lot of bad genes in our country'

Hate speech against immigrants: Trump: 'There are currently a lot of bad genes in our country'

Hate speech against immigrants
Trump: “There are a lot of bad genes in our country right now.”

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Donald Trump repeatedly makes derogatory comments about immigrants. The Republican is now making racist remarks again on a radio show. The 78-year-old also claims to be very popular among Jews.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump once again expanded his hostile tone against immigrants, making racist accusations that they bring “bad genes” to the country. In a radio interview on WABC, the Republican presidential candidate said that his Democratic rival Kamala Harris, as vice president, had allowed “thousands of killers” into the country through her immigration policies. Many of them now live “in peace and quiet” in the United States of America. “These killers, you know, I think it's in their genes,” the former president told host Sid Rosenberg. “And we have a lot of bad genes in our country now.”

The right-wing populist relied on strongly anti-immigrant rhetoric during the election campaign, as he insulted illegal immigrants in almost every appearance during his campaign, and announced that he would order mass deportations of immigrants if re-elected. Immigration and the situation at the border with Mexico, through which many undocumented people come to the United States, is an important campaign topic. Before his first term (2017-2021), Trump announced the construction of a wall on the 3,000-kilometre border with Mexico, which he never implemented.

“They're all for Trump”

Trump also said in the interview that he is so popular in Israel that he could run for public office there as well. Netanyahu (78 years old) said, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “I can run for the position of prime minister, even though Bibi's performance is much better at the present time.”

The American Republican claimed that “very conservative Jews” support him in the United States. “They all support Trump, all of them 100 percent, because I did things — they get that.” He also heard that he was very well received in New York, “I heard that I was well received with the Jews of New York.” Trump was actually a guest on host Rosenberg's show in July, and claimed at the time that Vice President Harris, whose husband is Jewish, doesn't like Jewish people.

Four weeks before the November 5 presidential election, the race between rivals Trump and Harris is neck-and-neck in the polls in many places. Given the characteristics of the electoral system in the United States, the election is likely to be decided in a few states where the results are particularly close.

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