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This is what Austrians will have on their table this Christmas » Leadersnet

This is what Austrians will have on their table this Christmas » Leadersnet

| Larisa Belovets

| October 9, 2024

A recent survey by online store Alfies showed that 94 percent of respondents eat home-cooked food on Christmas Eve. When it comes to choosing food, most people remain traditionalists.

In addition to the festive decorations and gifts, Christmas for many Austrians is about one thing: He eats. To find out what will be on the table on Christmas Eve this year, the online supermarket took a poll Two thousand More than 1,000 of his clients about their eating habits during the holidays. The result: 94% of those surveyed are cooking their own feast on December 24, and only 6% are ordering from delivery services, supermarkets or other caterers.

The traditional celebration with family is the most popular

The survey also showed that very few Austrians celebrate December 24 outside the home. In contrast, nearly half (47%) spend Christmas Eve at home, while 42% invite family members over. Those who celebrate at home usually invite their relatives, that is, children, parents, siblings, but also partners.

When it comes to who does the cooking, just over half of those surveyed (53 percent) say they cook themselves. 40% ask their parents to cook for them, and 16% ask their partners to cook for them.

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“Christmas at home, with family, with traditional home-cooked dishes – this classic image of Christmas Eve corresponds to reality for most of our customers surveyed,” he says. Günter Michelco-founder and managing director of Alfies, about the survey results. “We are happy to see that so many of our customers love to cook for themselves on Christmas Eve. We offer them the best ingredients and regional specialties, easily ordered online and delivered to their doorstep, without much fuss.”

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Meat, fish and vanilla crescents

For Austrians, it is not only the way they celebrate and eat that remains traditional, but also the choice of food. Accordingly, 29% admit that they eat the same thing on Christmas Eve every year, and 41% serve at least similar dishes to previous years. Only 30 percent think of something new for their Christmas list each year.

The poll also showed that the holiday was popular with about three-quarters of Austrians Woof That includes, where roast pork with dumplings and cabbage seems to be the favorite dish. But also fish (especially carp, salmon and trout) and Vegetarian dishes Popular. At least ten percent choose pure Vegetarian dishes.

What kind of food will be eaten on Christmas Eve?

© Elvis

To start, respondents prefer beef and chicken soup, often with French fries as an accompaniment. When it comes to sweets, Christmas cookies, especially vanilla crescents, dominate 83 percent. But linzer eyes, gingerbread, rum balls and pretzels with various nuts are often served.

Foreign cuisine is also a theme at Christmas

Among those who don't plan to eat traditional Austrian dishes on Christmas Eve, most are still undecided about what to serve instead. Some of the primary motivations from those surveyed are: ItalianLike pizza or pasta AsianFor example with sushi, Americanfor example with a burger or steak, or something like that French, Polish, Greek Besides British.