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Above the Rooftops of Vienna – 'Unheard of' Filming in Crane: 'That Was Way Out of the Comfort Zone'

Above the Rooftops of Vienna – 'Unheard of' Filming in Crane: 'That Was Way Out of the Comfort Zone'

The band “Unerhört” from the Brücke district set itself high goals and moved far beyond their comfort zone: on the 470-metre-high stage suspended by a crane in Vienna's Calenberg, the five young musicians performed six of their best recorded songs. The concert is intended as a PR campaign: the band has been touring Austria for five years and wants to finally hear its songs on the radio.

NN: How did you come up with such an unusual idea?

Look Tooth: We have been touring Austria with our songs for five years and now we want to hear our voice on top in Vienna as well. Since we unfortunately couldn't be heard on the radio, we decided to take matters into our own hands and what better way to get our voice heard than by making a record at a concert?

The idea itself came from the Internet marketing agency “Cloudcompany”. We were asked if we would like to do this and we immediately said yes. Kampel Kran from Brock was on board and provided us with a crane.

The group members come from Hainburg and the surrounding area. Why did you choose Vienna as the location?

Tooth: We chose Kahlenberg Mountain because it is one of the highest mountains in Vienna and at the same time one of the closest, meaning it is located right in front of the city. The party was already on the rooftops of Vienna. In addition, Kahlenberg Restaurant was a partner in the project and allowed us to film right in front of their restaurant.

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Filming under these exceptional circumstances was certainly not easy. Aren't you afraid of heights?

Tooth: It was worse than expected. We knew it was going to be loud and that it was going to be unpleasant, but when we got to the top of the crane basket, the mood suddenly changed. My stomach instantly flipped, I was paralyzed with fear and fell to my knees. It probably took about ten minutes before I could get back up.

It was just the beginning of the first song that helped, as you can use it as an outlet to release stress. After that it went well, but I was really happy to be back there, as beautiful as the view was. This was way out of my comfort zone.

If the radio still doesn't work, what do you do next?

Tooth: We will continue as before. We make music because we enjoy it, whether it's on the radio or not. What particularly attracted us was the challenge the ceremony presented and what the media reaction would be. Of course it would be nice to get noticed and get bigger and bigger radio appearances, we'll be honest.