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A documentary about the disease: Crying with Celine Dion

A documentary about the disease: Crying with Celine Dion

“I am Celine Dion”: the singer shows in a documentary how a neurological disease ended her career. This is as scary as it is poignant.

Amazon Prime. There are several videos on the Internet featuring Celine Dion’s music—both serious and satirical. One shows the text: “We didn’t go to a therapist as children. We sang and danced and the soul healed again.” In the accompanying clip, two men perform a clumsy, self-inflicted dance to “I’m Alive.”

In the Amazon Prime documentary “I Am Celine Dion,” there are several places where you wish Dion could fix himself using this method. But it's not that easy. The film is an uncompromising assessment of the insidiousness of her illness. Dionne suffers from stiff person syndrome. Statistically speaking, this fate happens to one in every million people. The neurological disease causes spasms in the muscles, tendons, and nerves. For Dion, this had a career-ending effect, as she could no longer use her voice.

Fat face

The dramaturgy in the documentary shows no mercy. In the first few minutes, a teenage Celine is seen saying into the interview microphone: “My greatest wish is to be able to sing all my life.” A few minutes later, the same woman was seen crying, her face swollen from the medication, as she said: “I miss singing so much.” Large napkin.

Shockingly relevant

The global star, who often exuded an aura of arrogance due to his perfectionism, becomes shockingly friendly in the documentary. Accompany her as she organizes her medications or wanders nostalgically through a storage room in her fine clothes. She tries to record a song, but trying to recreate the sound as it was before leads to an epileptic seizure. The camera stays on. While she is recovering, her doctor plays a song on her cell phone, “Who Am I” by Wayne Starks. She couldn't help but sing along. This may be a defeat in front of your body, but what can help you if not music? Stimulate the tissue again. Giant napkin.

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