In October, it rains again from the stars falling from the night sky. We explain where and when you can experience a Draconid shooting star night.
Munich – Shooting stars have always fascinated people. It is not by chance that the stars bring good luck and fulfill their desires. They are rarely seen with the human eye, but in October there is a chance again to catch a shooting star. The so-called Draconids can be seen every year from October 6 to October 10. So this year, too.
Night Draconid Shooting Star: Where and When to See Them
The meteor shower can be observed well this year from October 7 to 9. Falling stars are best seen in the Northern Hemisphere, especially at the height of the Dragon Mountains on October 8th and 9th. This means that the landscapes of Germany can also be viewed. In Germany, it is said that it rains up to ten stars every hour.
Unlike other meteor showers, Draconids are already clearly visible shortly after sunset, as the radiation is already high in the sky. Radians describe the apparent origin of falling stars.
Draconid Shooting Stars: The Origin and Constellation of the Dragon
This point in the sky is for the Draconids in the constellation Dragon. This can be found in the northern sky near the well-known “little bear” (also known colloquially as “little wagon”). Most of the falling stars come from the direction of the two brightest stars in the constellation, Itamen and Elloy, which make up the Dragon’s head. Hence the name meteo shower.
The true origin of small extraterrestrial rocks and dust particles is Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. From October 6 to 10, the Earth will cross the orbit of comet 21P / Giacobini-Zinner, the fragments of which will burn up as stars in the atmosphere.
Draconid shooting star night tips:
- Find a place with little light where, at best, you have a clear view of the radiation (the apparent origin).
- Wait 15 to 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness.
- check the weather report. When the weather is cloudy, it will be difficult to spot the falling stars. If necessary, bring a warm blanket with you.
- Take a comfortable position while lying down or sitting. Sometimes, meteor stars come on for a long time. It is best to lie on your back to get the best possible view of the sky.
Meteor showers 2021: These meteor showers follow the Draconids
In the second half of October, the braconids followed the Orionids. They are active every year in October and the first week of November. During this time, Earth crosses the orbit of Halley’s Comet, its fragments burning as stars in the atmosphere. Most of the meteors fall around the 20th, 21st and 22nd of October each year. Orionids are named after the constellation Orion, because this is where the radians of the meteor shower are located.
In addition to the Draconids and Orionids, the nights of other shooting stars can be observed in the remainder of 2021. Leonids follow in November (maximum: November 17) and in December, Gemini (peak: December 13) and Orsids (maximum: December 22). So there are still many ways to discover a star and make a wish. (jsch)
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