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A musical journey to health |  Upper PalatinateECHO

A musical journey to health | Upper PalatinateECHO

Neustadt/Kulm. People help people by sharing experience and knowledge inexpensively, non-bureaucratically and across generational boundaries: this offer has been well received, as the success of the GeHiH (Generations Hand in Hand) initiative shows.

A musical journey to health |  Upper PalatinateECHO

In front of a “full house” Yvonne Walter gave advice for healthy aging to members and friends of the solidarity community “GeHiH” in the parish hall in Neustadt am Kulm. Photo: Bernhard Bijsa

The self-help and solidarity community, which is active in the western area of ​​Neustadt, Kastel and Parkstein, has more than 600 members, and its “members' meetings” always attract many interested parties. It was the same in Neustadt am Kulm, where Yvonne Walter In the parish hall, which was packed to capacity, there was the “Health in Old Age” indicator.

From the Franconian Forest to the Sierra Madre

The lecture was not a classic, but a “musical journey” from the Franconian forest to the Sierra Madre, in which the experienced nurse specialist and nursing school lecturer invited her audience to: familiar tunes such as Kufstein's song, “Fly Home with Me” or “Stars in the Sky” for 16 Maximilian Medel Confidently accompanied by the accordion, participants took turns offering healthy lifestyle tips, the content of which was cleverly tailored to fit the songs being sung.

Topics included the value of exercise, self-imposed isolation, memory training, travel, and, in particular, music, which Walter was convinced “distinguished humans from animals.”

Life force Wins

The speaker explained: “Making music with others awakens positive emotions that release healing powers, and it also promotes social cohesion, perseverance and endurance.” During crisis situations.”

Health and vitality can also be achieved through regular walking in the forest, as it is a “balm for the respiratory system,” strengthens the immune system, enhances metabolism, reduces stress hormone levels, and stimulates the release of endorphins that promote health. being. “Once a month, you should spend a day in the forest and do something you particularly like: for example singing, singing or taking a walk.”

This is how I enhance my memory

Many factors can cause memory disorders, Yvonne Walter continued, citing, among others, lack of sleep, fluid intake or vitamin B12, but also cessation of breathing during the night (“sleep apnea”). The “Mediterranean diet” rich in fruits and vegetables is good for memory and overall health, as walnuts are traditionally valued as “brain food.” Gardening, crafts, chess, Sudoku and board games are just as beneficial for thinking and memory as club work and self-organised trips.

Members of the GeHiH management group. Dieter Klein, Joachim Sertel And Elizabeth Gotsche Yvonne thanked Walter for her clear presentation and the many “helping hands in the background” for setting up the afternoon, especially stocking the cake buffet.

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