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A new “Rail & Drive” location will open soon at Lienz

A new “Rail & Drive” location will open soon at Lienz

With the “Rail & Drive” service, ÖBB customers can move from the train station to their actual destination flexibly by car. The Lienz site will open in the first quarter of 2022.

ÖBB continues to focus on expansion with Rail & Drive. The next location will open in Linz in the first quarter – this will be location 39. With its car-sharing service, ÖBB offers its customers the flexibility to reach their actual destination from the train station by car.

At Lienz you will be able to choose between two vehicles, and as a private service, validation of the driver’s license and the issuance of the customer card will be possible.

Currently 38 locations in 33 cities

ÖBB Rail & Drive is represented throughout Austria at 38 locations in 33 cities. Customers can choose from around 400 vehicles. Since expansion doesn’t stop at electric mobility, there are now 19 locations with electric charging stations that house about 50 electric cars.

The train station in Linz is the fifth rail and driving site in Tirol. Up to now, it has already been possible to book vehicles flexibly in Innsbruck, Genbach, Dyck-Zams and Forgel. E-vehicles can also be booked at the main train station in Innsbruck.

Advantages of ÖBB Rail & Drive

The possibility of booking a car for the last few kilometers in Vienna and the provincial capitals as well as at train stations in small towns makes train travel more and more attractive.

In order to use the service, customers can easily connect to the Internet to sign up. The car can then be booked directly afterwards. Before starting for the first time, users are required to complete their registration at the ÖBB Rail & Drive sales point, present their driver’s license and receive their customer card. The cost of the trips is calculated on the basis of a rolling tariff for time and kilometre.

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Customers with an ÖBB Österreichcard or ÖBB Vorteilscard will receive a travel credit of up to €60 if they register by January 31, 2022. ÖAMTC or ARBÖ members and Wiener Linien annual ticket holders also receive a credit upon registration.

More information about individual locations, registration and reservations can be found at

Text: Editorial Board, Photo: ÖBB Fritscher