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A rare and amazing celestial event to be seen!

A rare and amazing celestial event to be seen!


It will be an amazing celestial event as the four brightest planets – Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn – and the Moon will line up in the morning sky over the next few days.

This phenomenon is best seen before sunrise (between 4:45 and 5 a.m.), when the sun is not yet fully lit but the planets are already high enough in the sky.

The Moon is the brightest, followed by Venus and Jupiter, while Mars and Saturn are the weakest. However, the appearance of brightness can be disturbed by the fact that the background of the sky behind the lower planets becomes brighter earlier, is she[تسمى على موقع مرصد Svábhegy.

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(عبر: الفهرس ، صورة الغلاف: MTI / Komka Péter)

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