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A research team solves mysteries about mysterious radio rings in space

A research team solves mysteries about mysterious radio rings in space

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A research team solves mysteries about mysterious radio rings in space
An “odd radio circuit” (ORC) recorded by the MeerKAT radio telescope (green object), the background comes from the Dark Energy Survey. © J. English (U. Manitoba)/EMU/MeerKAT/DES(CTIO)

What's behind the strange radio rings first discovered in space in 2019? A research team claims to have found the answer.

SAN DIEGO – A research team wants to solve the mystery of mysterious “ORCs” in space. The abbreviation stands for “Single Radio Circuit” and stands for a phenomenon that was first discovered in 2019. These are huge rings of radio waves that exist in the universe and cannot be observed in the optical or infrared range. It also does not emit any X-rays. So far only a few of these strange structures have been discovered, and there is currently no explanation for them.

However, a research team led by Alison Coyle (University of California San Diego) has now found a possible solution and discovered how to create “ORCs.” It was the study In the specialized magazine nature published. The research team focused on so-called “starburst” galaxies, that is, galaxies in which an unusually large number of stars are forming. “These galaxies are really interesting,” Cowell says in one of them. notice Their university. “They form when two large galaxies collide. The merger compresses all the gas into a very small area, triggering an intense explosion of star formation.

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But that's not all, as Coyle explains: “High-mass stars burn up quickly, and when they die, they expel their gas in the form of flowing winds.” It could further push gas out of the galaxy. These winds can travel at speeds of up to 2,000 kilometers per second. The research team believes that this mechanism may be what created the mysterious radio circuits in space.

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“For this to work, you need a massive outflow, which means a lot of material is being ejected very quickly. The surrounding gas outside the galaxy must have a low density, otherwise the shock will stop. “Those are the two main factors,” explains Coyle. It turns out that the galaxies we studied have high outward mass flow rates. They are rare, but they do exist. I really think this indicates that the ORCs come from some sort of flowing galactic wind. (unpaid bill)