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About the environmental pathways of ESG management at “Green Brewery Göss” » Leadersnet

About the environmental pathways of ESG management at “Green Brewery Göss” » Leadersnet

Those who lack ESG transparency in the future will have to face competitive disadvantages. The Zukunft.Frauen Alumnae Club took up the topic. TALKS WITH GUESTS.

Green Brewery Göss invites CEOs, members of the Supervisory Board and members of the Board of Directors of the Zukunft.Frauen Alumnae Club to share their views on ESG Environmental Social Governance (ESG).

Competitive disadvantages without ESG

ESG Standards are becoming increasingly important to companies, as investors demand transparent communication about the implications of companies’ activities on the environment and society, as well as their business model consequences, as part of ESG Reporting. Investors include them in securities analysis in order to consider and evaluate the social, environmental and ethical consequences of investments. Failure to comply with this can result in high fines and competitive disadvantages – these are risks for executives and supervisory boards.

first company2 Neutral big brewery

Göss green brewery, first CO2 The world’s premier neutral brewery, is an example of responsible corporate action integrating social and environmental interests. The scope ranges from “socially responsible investing” and alternative energy management to the circular economy. Green Brewery Göss is part of Brau Union Österreich, which consistently sets international and national landmarks through its excellent sustainability management. By 2030, all breweries using alternative energies will be CO2 neutral, including the entire value chain by 2040. Transparent communication of commitment to sustainability and reporting has won numerous awards.

Zukunft.Frauen considers itself a leader in supervisory board training and as an example for subsequent programs at universities and institutions. The initiative is a joint work of the Federal Ministry for Economic Sites and Digitalization, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Austrian Industrialists. Established ten years ago, the advanced training program for long-time CEOs with over 400 graduates includes several modules to update senior executives. Founded on the initiative of alumni, the Alumni Club has its goal of networking, mutual reinforcement and support on current topics such as the ESG Standards.

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