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Adventure bus from ‘though ms’ in Karlsruhe

Adventure bus from ‘though ms’ in Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe (pm/mt) – In order to create more awareness and understanding of life with MS, Roche’s campaign for patients ‘Inspite of MS’ has created something special for this year’s World MS Day: The Road Show Goes with the MS Adventure Bus His own on a tour through Germany – also stopping in Karlsruhe on Saturday.

Photo: Roche Pharma AG

Empathize with the invisible symptoms

On Saturdays from 10am to 6pm at Stephanplatz in Karlsruhe, visitors can experience some of the sometimes invisible symptoms typical of MS. For this purpose, there are special workstations inside the bus from which, for example, gait and balance disorders can be tested. Accompanying the bus are neuropathologists and traumatologists who answer individual questions.

“although in milliseconds”

The campaign ‘Inspite of MS’ was launched in September 2017 under the name ‘Though a Lady Dare to Dream’. With World Multiple Sclerosis Day on May 30, 2020, it has been developed into “I Will Stay – Despite Multiple Sclerosis” and focuses on empowering and empowering those affected. The central message is: “You decide, not the MS. Take back your life!” There is more information about the campaign over here.

Free Patient Program

Another important component of Despite MS is the free, multi-lingual, treatment-independent ‘though MS MY’ patient program for those affected and their relatives. It includes a wide range of telephone consultations, information and service materials. Those interested can contact over here leaves a trail.

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What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a pre-existing incurable chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), affecting approximately 200,000 people in Germany. It is also known as the “disease of the 1000 faces” because MS can present differently in each affected person. Inflammation in the brain and spinal cord means that stimuli are no longer transmitted and processed properly. This leads to many complaints, including signs of paralysis, extreme tiredness (fatigue), and problems with coordination and vision.