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Afghanistan: US sets up emergency camps for Afghans in Germany

Afghanistan: US sets up emergency camps for Afghans in Germany

The FDP and the Greens have called for an extension of the evacuation from Kabul

In the opposition, demands are being made to the federal government to pressurize Washington to extend US forces in Kabul outside August. “The calendar must be evacuated as needed, not according to the calendar. If everyone is not protected by August 31, an extension beyond this date makes sense,” said Alexander Graf Lambstorf Welt, deputy chairman of the FDP’s parliamentary committee. “

Greens foreign politician Omid Nouripur urged the German government to hold talks with Americans: “The situation at Kabul airport is incredibly dangerous, and the Taliban could attack the airport at any time,” Nouripur Welt said. That is why the plan for Americans to complete their expulsion mission as soon as possible is understandable. “But because the evacuations start so late, Germany will not be able to complete all the rescue flights by August 31. It depends a lot every day,” the Green politician said. .

“Our bandages are now doing almost inhumane acts. We now think we can get the job done by the end of the month,” said Union Parliamentarian Johann Wadeepul (CDU). Because at present the security situation is very dangerous. If possible, we will continue the evacuation until the people entrusted to us leave.

Seamedje M முller, spokesman for the SPD’s parliamentary policy committee, said: “We are currently doing everything we can to evacuate people in need of protection.” But it is clear: “Security and therefore success evacuation measures depend on the pro-US military presence at the airport in Afghanistan. German isolation is prohibited.

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