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Agreement between Signa Prime and Schoeller Group

Agreement between Signa Prime and Schoeller Group

Signa Prime Selection and the Schoeller Group have reached a standstill agreement that makes the exploitation of Signa's German properties possible. When asked by APA, confidentiality was agreed regarding the details of the agreement.

However, Signa Prime stressed in the broadcast that “media reports that Signa has been acquired by the Schoeller Group are inaccurate.” lhave No seizure takes place.

The Schoeller Group, specifically Mezz23 GmbH & Co KG, will have one for Signa Prime Capital Invest GmbH in the summer of 2023 Financing of more than 200 million euros Granted, confirms the broadcast. “The entire German real estate portfolio is de facto grouped” under this intermediate holding company.

To secure this financing, Mezz23 GmbH & Co KG “among others Privileges With the participation of Signa Prime Luxemburg S.à rl.

A collective loan of more than 100 million euros

With the standstill agreement concluded on June 13, Signa Prime was also able to withdraw the second tranche of the €100 million syndicated loan granted by British asset management company Attestor Limited.

“By finishing now Freezing agreement “Signa Prime Capital Invest GmbH has achieved greater stability and therefore has a positive continuity outlook,” the statement read.

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