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Airline – Till Streichert is the new Chairman of the AUA Supervisory Board

Airline – Till Streichert is the new Chairman of the AUA Supervisory Board

Till Streichert now serves as Chairman of the AUA Supervisory Board.

Austrian Airlines

IThere have recently been changes in the staff of the Supervisory Board of Austrian Airlines. Till Streichert takes over as Chairman of the Management Board, replacing Christina Forster. In addition, a new member of the Management Board, Elisabeth Gruber, has been appointed.

As of September 20, 2024, Till Streichert has been elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Austrian Airlines (AUA). He will replace Christina Forster, who resigned from her position at the end of June due to a change in career. Veit Schmid-Schmidsfelden will be Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AUA in the future.

Streichert took over the Finance Department of Deutsche Lufthansa AG in mid-September. Over the course of his career, he has worked in several global companies in leadership and financial management positions. He has worked, among others, at T-Mobile UK, the Boston Consulting Group and Vodafone Romania.

Elisabeth Gruber has also succeeded Christine Catasta as a member of the Supervisory Board since August. She has been head of the Presidential Department at the Federal Ministry of Finance for more than two years, and before that was responsible for the “Participations and Services” group. Before that, Gruber worked at a well-known law firm in Vienna. The qualified legal scholar is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Großglockner Hochalpenstrasse AG.

Veit Schmid Schmidsfelden and Hans-Joachim Arnold were reappointed as capital representatives on the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting. René Karl Pfister and Andreas Gildner remain deployed on the employee side. The members of the Supervisory Board were appointed until the end of the Annual General Meeting, which decides to discharge them for the financial year 2028.

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