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Algae plague in the Sea of ​​Marmara, jellyfish in the Mediterranean «

Algae plague in the Sea of ​​Marmara, jellyfish in the Mediterranean «

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We are working successively and with obvious success on the destruction of our seas: the Turkish Sea of ​​Marmara is covered with a thick layer of mud, and the Aegean and Black Seas are threatened. The entire Mediterranean has always been a problem.

to Manuela Chida-Soboda | 2.40pm, June 10, 2021


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Rowers in the Marmara Sea, a marble of slime algae © AFP

A layer of slime floating on the Turkish Sea of ​​Marmara: the sea Caused by algae slime plague dissolved. ‘The sea is under severe pressure’says Bayram Ozturk, a biologist at the Turkish Foundation for Marine Research and a professor at Istanbul University. Peak “not yet reached”. The sea is already heavily polluted around the Prince Islands. It is a disgusting algae slime, appropriately called “sea mucus” in English, and mucilagin in Italian, which floats on the surface of the sea.

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