Vienna (OTS) –
- Damage Status Tracker is now also available for Home and Home as well as Vehicles
- Claims can be reported 24/7 – immediate compensation within four hours
- With Allianz Handwerkerservice Secure and Solutions “from a single source”
- 4.7 / 5 stars in claims processing
Handle insurance matters online, sign contracts via SMS or track claims in real time – Allianz has invested heavily in its digital attack. Especially in the area of customer interfaces, additional features have been launched recently to actively shape digital change and to make the customer journey more engaging. The Damage Status Tracker is now also available for home and homeowners insurance, damage can be reported 24/7, prompt compensation is guaranteed within four hours and Allianz Certified Craftsmen update and repair the reported damage themselves through the Craftsmen Service.
“Anyone who suffers a loss wants an insurance company to fulfill its promise to perform quickly and easily. As a future insurer, we want to push more in this regard, advance digital transformation, be game changers in a networked world and be a modern service provider. To our customers, ”says Xaver Wölfl, Operations Manager at Allianz Austria.
Damage Status Tracker can now be used for home and home use
With a claim status tracker, Allianz not only makes it possible to see the current status of a claim in real time, but also to make instant payments online. The offer is guaranteed within four hours, and funds are instantly transferred to the account. If compromise is not successful during this time, Allianz will bring “consolation”. If the offered immediate compensation is not accepted, there is an option to choose an alliance partner company, such as an auto repair shop, directly online. They will contact you within a few hours. What was previously possible for the automotive division now also rolls out for household and domestic damages.
More convenience and smart solutions
Submit medical bills and prescriptions, find repair shops or ask questions about insurance coverage – this can be done online as well as directly processing claims digitally via The average duration is less than ten minutes and not only saves time for clients but also allows problem to be addressed more quickly. The fact that this actually works well is shown by customer reviews, which is reflected, for example, in its five-star claims settlement rating: Allianz is rated nearly 30,000 times with an average of 4.7 out of 5 potential stars. In total, Allianz counted about 460,000 claims and benefits last year. “Getting to know customers’ needs quickly and meeting their needs accurately is the key to success. We do a very good job of handling claims in particular – but we want to get faster and easier in the future,” Wolf said.
Four walls, one partner
At Allianz Handwerkerservice, which offers comprehensive claims and property management services, the focus is on simpler and faster processing of clients. To this end, Allianz Handwerkerservice employs several project managers in local areas who are in direct contact and take over coordination. If a claim is reported, Allianz is not only interested in any monetary compensation, but also in resolving the issue. This not only saves costs for clients, but also ensures high and uniform quality standards, warranty and transparency. The service is already available in Carinthia and Styria – it is slated to roll out across Austria starting midyear.
Vienna, June 1, 2021
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- Photo: Xaver Wölfl (Free reprinted with the following copyright notice: © Allianz / Photo: WILKE)
- Press release in pdf format
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Patricia Stramper
Press Attaché
Head of Corporate Communications
Allianz Group in Austria
Phone: +43 5 9009 80 690
David Weichselbaum
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Allianz Group in Austria
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