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Almost a quarter of ICU patients have been fully vaccinated

Almost a quarter of ICU patients have been fully vaccinated

Nearly a quarter of people with Covid-19 who had to be treated in intensive care units in Austria on Tuesday were fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The proportion of twice-vaccinated hospital patients who received care in regular wards was 43.6%. This is based on the numbers the Department of Health provided today at the request of the APA.

According to the information, 74 of the 304 Covid 19 patients who then went into intensive care had a valid vaccination certificate on November 2. 24.3 percent of those infected have received the required doses for a full vaccination and are still seriously ill with Covid-19 after breakthroughs in vaccination.

The numbers also show that from the point of view of people who are not immunized, the risk that they will end up in the intensive care unit after contracting coronavirus is greatly increased. In the specific case, 230 or 75.7 per cent of intensive care patients for Covid 19 were not fully vaccinated. If the numbers were applied to the number of vaccinations in the general population (62.9% vaccinated), the ratio would be 16% vaccinated to 84% unvaccinated.

It can affect people who are not adequately protected despite being vaccinated, for example because their immune system has not developed an appropriate response, primarily due to previous illnesses. Currently, the focus is also on weakening the immune response over time, which is why the third vaccination is increasingly becoming the focus. Vaccination is still urgently required.

In Vienna, vaccination breakthroughs are only twelve percent

In Vienna, where 81 people with Covid 19 were registered in intensive care units on November 2, 71 and 87.7 percent were not vaccinated, respectively. Vaccination breakthroughs were detected in only ten patients from Vienna, which equates to 12.3 per cent.

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Of the 1,338 COVID-19 patients in regular wards across Austria, 583 were fully vaccinated on Tuesday. 755 have not been vaccinated or have not been fully vaccinated, making their proportion in regular Covid-19 wards 56.4 percent.

The situation was different in Vienna: On November 2, more than three-quarters of the 211 Covid-19 patients – 77.3 percent – had not been vaccinated or had not been fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 in regular wards. The proportion of fully vaccinated COVID-19 patients was 22.7 percent.

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