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Amazon is the largest investor in the United States

Amazon is the largest investor in the United States

According to the Progressive Policy Institute, Amazon is number one in the United States. The amount invested in logistics, green infrastructure and technology centers by 2020 was nearly US $ 34 billion.

Amazon is once again one of America’s best investors: the online company is once again topping the Progressive Policy Institute’s (PPI) “Investment Heroes” rankings this year. The company has invested in logistics infrastructure, green infrastructure, new retail options and technology centers.

In the top 3 are Amazon, Verizon and AT&T

Amazon tops the list with $ 33.8 billion in investments, up 75 percent from 2019. Verizon Communications came in second with $ 16.1 billion. Third is AT&T (6 15.6 billion), followed by Alphabet (14 billion) and Intel (.5 12.5 billion). The top 25 newcomers include Lumen Technologies, Disney and Groger.

“We see Amazon having historically high investment performance. The company’s $ 45.7 billion in global capital expenditure surpasses even peak investments in industrial companies such as General Motors, General Electric and IBM.” According to the PPI. “Recently, we have seen that even large investment firms like Amazon can be great job creators. In particular, the cost of automation of Amazon filling centers has increased productivity and allowed the company to maintain a minimum wage of $ 15 per hour, which is $ 15 to $ 17 in many parts of the country. The entry level in production is comparable to wages. “

"Investment Heroes"-Ranking des PPI

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