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America: Where Abortion Is Banned and Where It Isn’t – Politics

America: Where Abortion Is Banned and Where It Isn’t – Politics

To understand what the U.S. Supreme Court decision means and how far-reaching it is, consider the case of a woman who lives in Conway, a town of 64,000 in central Arkansas. And you need to pay close attention to where this place is located to understand that it is better not to accidentally get pregnant here.

The US Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling on Friday Roe v. flesh Reversed, it ensured abortion rights for women across the country for nearly 50 years. After the decision, it’s now up to the states to legally regulate abortion — and conservatives like to point out that this ruling is no different: The court doesn’t ban abortions, it just leaves the decision up to individual legislatures. Now the issue can be decided democratically. Some states may continue to allow abortions.

But what good is that when you live in Conway? Republican-controlled Arkansas has the Supreme Court in the event Roe v. flesh tilts, the ban on abortion has already been drafted and will now automatically come into effect. For an abortion, a woman must now cross the border.

She might try north and go to Branson, Missouri, for example, a three-hour drive across the border. But Missouri also has a law banning abortions, and could take effect within days.

It is in the state of Oklahoma in the west or Louisiana in the south. If you live in a town like Conway, you are practically surrounded by very strict abortion restrictions. In large parts of the United States, women’s right to decide whether to conceive has been effectively abrogated. For an abortion, you can spend all day by car or plane – you can afford it. If you can get an abortion somewhere in the country, what’s the point of living hundreds of kilometers away and being poor?

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According to the Guttmacher Institute, 22 states have already passed laws that make abortions more difficult or practically impossible. Some of these are important pre-judgment laws Roe v. flesh, which is now valid again. Nine states have such old provisions, some of which are even codified in their respective state constitutions. There are 13 states According to the Washington Research Institute Specially crafted laws, like the one in Arkansas, are ultimately more or less automatic Roe v. flesh will come into force, in some cases in addition to existing old restrictions. Some states ban abortion entirely, while others only allow it until the eighth or sixth week of pregnancy, which amounts to a virtual ban because many women don’t realize they’re pregnant until then.

In addition to those 22 states, Guttmacher says Florida, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska are likely to pass restrictive abortion laws in the future. In 20 mostly democratic states, abortion is likely to be legal for now. But also ruling Republicans in New Hampshire East Coast Stands Behind Abortion Rights – An exception is the country, which is clearly divided along party lines on the issue.

In some states, the outcome is now uncertain. Whether abortion will be legal there depends on the outcome of the next election. The scene in Kansas should be especially exciting, writes The Washington Post: where citizens are set to vote in an August referendum on the issue of abortion — and their country is one of the few points of contact for patients living amid particularly restrictive states in the US Southeast. , in Texas, Oklahoma or Arkansas.

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