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‘Amicable agreement’ regarding the ownership of Odo Jurgens

‘Amicable agreement’ regarding the ownership of Odo Jurgens

A long-running legal dispute over the rights to Udo Jürgens songs has been settled: in the future, the legal children of Jürgens will take care of the fate of the record company Udo Jürgens Master AG (UJM).

Freddy Berger, in turn, Jürgens’ longtime manager, is focused on maintaining his music publisher for the Jürgens business. This day was announced by Jenny and John Jurgens, the legitimate sons of Odo Jurgens, and Burger.

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The ‘friendly agreement’ means, as stated in the ad, that the two Jürgens children are the only contributors to UJM and therefore hold hands to publish the entire Udo Jürgens music production catalog. You decide to use greenery like “Greek wine” and “But please with cream” and you can earn money from songs accordingly.

Through the catalog of music publishing, Burger has the right to develop Jürgens’ musical works. He could use Udo Jürgens’ songs in films, advertising and music productions and leave them to active musicians as the basis for new productions.

Singer, composer and artist Jurgens died of heart failure in 2014 at the age of 80. Since 2017, his sons and his compatriots have been squabbling over copyrights in court.

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