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An asteroid the size of a refrigerator came closer to Earth than GPS satellites

An asteroid the size of a refrigerator came closer to Earth than GPS satellites

Hungarian astronomer Krisztian Sarneczky Find an asteroid on Friday that can Altitude 8700 km Flew off the ground, I mentioned cnet. Sarniczky also reported his discovery Twitter.

Name the asteroid officially 2022 FD1 It is about the size of a refrigerator, the earth quickly passed around it 61200 km/h. It has come closer to Earth than the GPS satellites, which orbit the Earth at an altitude of just over 20,000 km.

Closer than the 2022 FD1 has flown so far, as CNet reports it asteroid record NASA just notices 12 asteroids Get past the ground without hitting it.

2020 It happened asteroid 2020 QG Earth inside 2,950 km Distance: after . asteroid 2021 UA1 Last October flew at a distance 3000 km beyond the earth .

Another amazing discovery

The 2201-FD1 discoverer Sarneczky also possessed an asteroid of the same size on March 11 2022 AD 5 It is located before entering Earth’s atmosphere and off Iceland exploded.

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