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Andrei Schönke spontaneously jumps – that’s what NDR says

Andrei Schönke spontaneously jumps – that’s what NDR says

Andre Schönke took over in a short time "daily news"-moderation.

André Schünke took over the management of “Tagesschau” in a short time.BILD: ARD Screenshot

Many viewers of “Tagesschau” on Thursday evening were amazed when an unknown face looked at them: Andre Schönke of the news anchor tagesschau24 led the format. Although he had already made solo versions of “Tageschau” before, his commitment came as a surprise. In fact, he jumped in place of only one teammate on Thursday, as it turned out later. So his appearance was not planned.

An NDR spokeswoman said,dwdl.deHe made a statement in the evening and admitted mistakes in planning for the 8 p.m. edition. A statement from the radio followed. Twitter.

NDR explains itself after the collapse of “Tagesschau”

“There was an oversight in the planning.”The spokeswoman confirmed to the portal “”. She further explains: “André Schünke is moderate in tagesschau24 and intervenes at short notice.” The same can be read on Twitter. Plus, she also says with a wink:

“The best thing about the North is our spontaneity.”

The NDR said nothing about who was originally scheduled for “Tagesschau”. The usual procedure, however, offers a hint, because the speaker on the 8 p.m. newscast usually also advances via Today’s Topics later. On Thursday, Thorsten Schröder was in charge of the “issues of the day”, so presumably he had to be replaced beforehand.

After his short assignment, Schönke finally spoke and spoke of a kind of tension: “I’ve been in the studio hundreds of times for the news channel tagesschau24, But for the 8pm ‘Tagesschau’ version looks different, you can feel the millions of viewers. The pump is very good.

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In the end, however, Schünke’s excitement was unnecessary, as he drove through “Tagesschau” without any errors. Accordingly, the production has every reason to take the planning error with humor later on.
