Viennese photographer Clemens Schneider skilfully arranged the four-legged friends of iconic characters.
“Life without a dog is wrong!” This is how the writer Carl Zuckmayer knew (1977) Clemens Schneider Stipulated. He brought the dogs of prominent owners around Heldenplatz in front of the camera. The exhibition will start on the 1st of June as part of the “We are Vienna” festival.
However, in the photos, only the four-legged friends are the stars, and their owners have to stay in the background. “Owning a dog is so much more than owning a dog, it’s my foundation, brings so much peace to my life and organizes my life in a way I didn’t know before,” explains the actress, singer and proud mother of dogs. From JayaAnd the Edita Malovic.
Actress and singer Edita Malovic with her dog Gaya and photographer Clemens Schneider
© Photo: Markus Korenjak
“I have to say, Sami He is my first dog and I would have never thought of any intense relationship she could develop. She comes into the office with me, and she’s my personal athletic trainer, and it’s a relationship that’s probably not far from one that people can become so fond of,” says the former counselor. Christian Kernwho thinks the photo project is a “great idea”.
Also included with others: Roberthundreds of Stargeiger Julian Rachlin and his wife Sarahand “FirstDog” Julydog Alexander van der Bellen. Fabulous!
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