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Apple distributes candidate iOS 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 releases to developers

Apple distributes candidate iOS 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 releases to developers

An apple did tuesday evening iOS Version 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 are candidates for release to registered developers. Usually this version is identical to the final version, which will be published a little later to all users, provided that there are no serious difficulties with the candidate version.

On Tuesday evening, Apple introduced a release candidate for iOS 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 to registered developers. They can now download and install the new version of the upcoming update, provided they have the appropriate profile on their iPhone and iPad.

Usually, the candidate for the release of an update is identical to the final update, which is subsequently published to all users. The Programming touch it again.

is likely to come

iOS 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 for all users before Christmas

But this also brings the update to iOS 15. and iPadOS 15.2 closer for all users. Apple could make the final version of the update available to all users for download in the next week. The update will come before Christmas.

Did you notice any new features or changes in RC for iOS 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 compared to the last beta? Please, let us know.

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See also  Apple releases iOS 15.0.1 and fix iPhone unlock via Apple Watch