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Apple iWork apps with new functionality in 12.0 ›

Apple iWork apps with new functionality in 12.0 ›

Apple has added new features to its iWork apps. Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, freely available for Mac, iPhone, and iPad, have been revised and brought in with add-ons in version 12.0.

Apple Iwork Apps

In detail, Apple integrates the functionality listed below with newly available versions of its competing products for Microsoft Office applications. Additionally, updates will likely include bug fixes and performance improvements that are usually integrated with new releases.

New with Pages 12.0

  • Publish larger files up to 2GB directly to Apple Books.
  • Enter page numbers anywhere in the document.
  • Edit font sizes more accurately up to two decimal places.
  • Quickly start writing a new document on iPhone. Simply touch and hold the Pages app icon on the home screen.
  • Use VoiceOver to read comments and record changes.

New with Numbers 12.0.2

  • Copy a snapshot of table cells without hidden formulas, categories, or values.
  • Edit font sizes more accurately up to two decimal places.
  • Use VoiceOver to quickly create formulas and automatically fill cells.

New with Keynote 12.0.2

  • Zoom slides to a maximum zoom level of 400%.
  • Edit font sizes more accurately up to two decimal places.
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